Half of All US Voters Support Pro-Crypto Policies
Half of All US Voters Support Pro-Crypto Policies

Today, leading web3 software company, Consensys, and global market research and data analytics technology group, HarrisX, unveiled an insightful study on US voters’ views on the current blockchain and crypto landscape as it relates to the upcoming 2024 US election. The results highlight a rare bipartisan opportunity for candidates to win votes amongst crypto owners, of whom 92% plan to vote. Nearly half (49%) of voters nationally consider a pro-crypto stance important, and voters are 13% more likely to consider crossing party lines for a candidate with favorable crypto policies.

The survey polled a geographically representative sample of 1,664 registered voters nationally, along with an additional sample of 1,512 to 1,774 registered voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Texas, between September 4th and September 14th, 2024.

The Crypto Electorate is Politically Divided and No Party has a Monopoly on the Issue

With 85% of crypto voters believing it to be crucial for presidential candidates to take a pro-crypto position, Americans recognize the importance of maintaining the U.S. at the forefront of the crypto industry. This opens a critical opportunity for either party to capture meaningful votes in what is shaping up to be a tight race.

Voters remain divided on who they trust to set crypto policies. Over half (56%) support Donald Trump’s pro-crypto stance, with a third saying they are more likely to vote for him because of it. On the other side of the aisle, 54% of voters believe it is important for Kamala Harris to take a clear position on crypto, showing that neither party has a monopoly on the issue. Similarly, voters are split between trusting Republicans (35%) and Democrats (32%) on setting crypto policies. This lack of consensus highlights broader uncertainty about which political approach will best foster innovation while protecting consumer interests in the crypto space.

The Importance of Regulatory Clarity to Protect Crypto Owners

These polling results are being released at a time when a number of high-profile web3 companies have brought litigation against U.S. regulators in an attempt to create regulatory clarity for the industry. 44% of voters think the U.S. government is doing too little to support the crypto industry. When asked what policy position would have a swing on a voter’s likelihood to support a candidate, 78% chose implementing measures to protect consumers from fraud and scams related to cryptocurrencies.

“There’s a myth that the crypto sector doesn’t want regulation, but that’s simply not true. Consensys is an active proponent of much-needed regulatory clarity to enable an industry that serves as the backbone of countless new technologies and innovations to thrive in the United States. We’ve been operating under a cloud of uncertainty for too long, and the results of this poll show that crypto is a bipartisan issue, with voters also calling for clarity and a pro-crypto stance,” said Joe Lubin, CEO and Founder of Consensys and Co-Founder of Ethereum.

Crypto Voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin Could Be Decisive

Crypto owners could play a decisive role in the upcoming election, particularly in key swing states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In Michigan, 59% of voters prefer a free market approach to crypto, while 41% believe the government should regulate it. Voters are split on which party they trust more to regulate the crypto industry, with 39% trusting Republicans and 36% trusting Democrats.

In Pennsylvania, 34% of voters are open to voting outside their party if a candidate supports pro-crypto policies, making this a critical opportunity for undecided voters. As with other states, neither party dominates trust to regulate crypto in Pennsylvania, presenting a unique opportunity for campaigning politicians.

In Wisconsin, the Republican Party has a slight edge among voters when it comes to setting crypto policies, with 40% trusting Republicans. In Wisconsin, crypto is gaining popularity among blue-collar voters as a financial lifeline amid economic uncertainty. These three states could be pivotal in determining the outcome of the election and emphasize the importance for both parties to address the crypto issue.

“You’re seeing the Presidential campaigns realize that Pro-crypto policies aren’t just smart for America, they’re smart electoral politics. And we are seeing more House and Senate candidates gravitate towards this issue as they realize they need to be educated and forward thinking, because that is what the electorate expects.  We hope this polling data further illustrates that voters want their officials to embrace innovation” said Bill Hughes, Director of Global Regulatory Matters at Consensys.

“The crypto industry is mature and crypto voters are now an important, engaged, and motivated electorate advocating for the protection and growth of digital assets and related innovations. It’s no surprise then that this voter block, which is up for grabs by either presidential campaign, could tip the scales in an election that increasingly looks likely to be decided by a thin margin. In each state we polled there are today more crypto motivated voters than the last presidential election’s margin of victory“, said Dritan Nesho, Founder and CEO of HarrisX.

About the Methodology

This survey was conducted online by prominent pollster HarrisX across the United States between September 4-14, 2024, surveying 1,664 registered voters nationally; and in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and among between 1,512 and 1,774 registered voters.

The results reflect a geographically representative sample of registered voters. Results were weighted for age, gender, region, area type, race/ethnicity, income, political party, education, Cryptocurrency ownership, ideology, and 2020 vote choice where necessary to align them with their actual proportions in the population. The margin of error for the total sample is +/- 2.4 percentage points, and the sampling margin of error within each state is between +/- 2.3 and 2.5 percentage points depending on the state’s sample.